Monday, 19 November 2007

Sins of the Fathers has MOVED!!!!

Hi there,
my story has moved to the Voyage Conspiracy website. You can find it on the following link:

I understand it was quite difficult to navigate here, so thank you for sticking with it!!

Hope you continue to enjoy!



Dolly said...

It's rather interesting to note that even though this site was difficult to navigate, the advantage of immediately seeing new chapters was quite satisfying. Once the system was determined this site actually had it's advantages. I don't know if you'll be returning to this site, but I have a question regarding genetics or more specifically your training at university. Have you come across the contibutions of Rosalind Franklin? Perhaps I shall discover your email address and pose this question where you may have a chance to respond. Thank you, by the way, I love this story. I love your Janeway and Seven, they are true to the actual characters.

Anonymous said...

Great story... Is it complete? Would love to